Hurtworld Wiki
AR Stats

AR Stats, has multiple attachments

The AR15 is a end-game weapon in Hurtworld that consumes 5.56MM rounds. Base magazine supports 30 rounds, with addition magazines giving upwards of 40 rounds. (Ex. Dock Mag, supports 40 5.56MM rounds.)

Base Stats[ | ]

  • 15 PvP Damage
  • 25 Scaled PvE Damage
  • Spawns with 30 mag clip, ironsights & uses 5.56MM bullets

Acquisition[ | ]

Can be crafted at a Titranium Workbench using 12 Amber Amber Icon, 100 Shaped Iron Shaped Iron Icon, 100 Shaped Mondinium Shaped Mondinium Icon & 5 Strong Pelt

Other: Can be obtained from certain event cases on modded servers. Such as town capture cases on Aztec Warfare.
