Hurtworld Wiki

In Hurtworld you'll need to battle the various Status Effects that can affect your character in various ways which will make your life in the game harder to survive. See an entire list of Status Effects below.

Hunger[ | ]

Status Hungry Icon

Message: I'm so hungry...

Other Info: This is a Hunger status, and is affected by many different sources, including: Current Air Temp, Actions and Movement, Clothing, and Shelter.

Context/Tips As time passes in the game, the hunger bar will start to erode and you'll begin to get hungry, ending with starvation. You can counteract hunger by eating the following foods:

Cold[ | ]

Status Freezing Icon

Message: Brrrrr...

Other Info: This is a Temperature status, and is affected by quite a few different sources, including: Current Air Temp, Day & Night, and Shelter, but most important; Gear.

Context/Tips Running around the wilderness without clothes is a chilly experience. Build Gear and keep yourself better protected from the elements, before you die of hypothermia. Crafting a simple Doubleshirt Brown Dirtier Doubleshirt or a casual Grey Beanie Beanie will greatly improve your odds, and keep you from dying during the night, especially while off exploring.

You can also stand in a campfire or a fire pit to remove this effect faster. note: this will cause the burning effect.

Heat[ | ]

Status Hot Icon

Message: So Hot...

Other Info: This is a Temperature status, and is affected by quite a few different sources, including: Current Air Temp, Day & Night, Biomes, but most important; Gear.

Context/Tips You're having heatstroke! Either you're standing too close to fire, or you're cooking something massive in your Machines ooor you're deep in the Desert Biomes. Stand back a bit to cool off. Heat stroke can also occur when exploring warm environments, peaking in severity towards the middle of the day. This can be avoided by equipping heat protective Clothing such as an Aussie Hat Icon Aussie Hat or through the use of Sunscreen Icon Sunscreen.

Burning[ | ]

Status Burning Icon

Message: ??

Other Info: This is a Temperature status, and is affected by standing on either a Campfire Icon Campfire or a Fire Pit Icon Fire Pit.

Context/Tips Pretty much stop standing on the fire, and stand back a bit. You'll automatically stop burning, and will cool off over time.

Radiation[ | ]

Status Radiation Icon

Message: ??.

Other Info: This is a Radiation status, and is affected by a few small sources, mostly being the Biome Location you're in.

Context/Tips So you've found in the desert the hidden Aircraft Carrier, eh? Spend too much time searching the hull and you'll come down with Radiation, and will die. Your best bet is to Craft Gear to help you survive the area, or leave altogether. Best bet is to make a Gas Mask Icon Gas Mask (removed in patch) and to make a full Chem Suit Chemsuit Jacket Icon Jacket and Chemsuit Pants Icon Pants.

Poison[ | ]

Status Toxic Icon

Message: ??.

Other Info: This is a Poison status, and is affected by a few small sources at the current, Basically fighting with a Tokar.

Context/Tips Tokar can be extremely annoying to deal with, especially if you're ill equipped. They'll spit out toxic saliva, which will leave a mark on the ground, and if either you step in it or get hit by it, you'll get poisoned. Best tips involve either attacking up close with a Basic Spear Icon Basic Spear (Or upgraded versions for quicker takedown), or shooting your Wood Bow Icon Bow and running to dodge right before he launches his projectile. If you do get hit, the poison will wear off over time, (provided you don't die first) so don't fret.